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  In   Hinduism ,   Daksha   ( Sanskrit : दक्ष,   Dakṣa , lit. "able, dexterous, or honest one" [1] ) is one of the   Prajapati , the agents of creation, as well as a divine king-rishi. He is also a   Manasputra , mind created son of the creator god   Brahma . The artwork shows him as an obese man with a stocky body, protruding belly, and a handsome face or the head of a goat. Scriptures mention two Daksha, born in two different   Manvantara   (ages). Daksha appears in the Rigveda, where he is an  Aditya  associated with priestly skills. Many legends mention him as the father of various daughters, which married different gods and became the progenitor of various creatures. However, his youngest daughter  Sati  married the god  Shiva  against her father's wishes. Daksha conducted a  yajna  (fire sacrifice) and didn't invite Sati and Shiva. This led to his death as he was beheaded after Sati immolated herself. It is believed that Daksha was resurrected with the head of

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